Today is the beginning of Lent. Lent is viewed as a time of repentance for many denominations of Christianity. According to Wikipedia repentance is “the activity of reviewing one’s actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs. Repentance generally involves a commitment to personal change and resolving to live a more responsible and humane life;” therefore, Lent is the perfect opportunity to forgive, free and release ourselves and others of past wrongdoings, regrets and mistakes.
Forgiving, freeing and releasing ourselves and others of past wrongdoings, regrets and mistakes in not forgetting but it allows us move on with our lives. As a person that has struggled with forgiving, freeing and releasing myself as well as others at times I know that forgiving, freeing and releasing is a process. It begins by acknowledging the wrong that was done to you; taking time to reflect on it and deciding how you want to think about it; then developing healthy steps to protect yourself. It ends when you can remember the wrong that was done without feeling resentment or a desire to pursue revenge.
If you are a Christian let’s use the next 40 days to prepare for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection by forgiving, freeing and releasing. If you don’t practice Christianity or Lent use the next six weeks to develop a new habit of forgiving, freeing and releasing yourself and others. Forgiving, freeing and releasing ourselves and others of past wrongdoings, regrets and mistakes allows us to live bold, healthy and happy lives which in return enable us to Carpe Diem!
Love it, Jas!! I love how you say, “taking time to reflect on it and DECIDING how you want to think about it.” You are making the world a better place, my friend!! One smile, one kind compliment, one laugh, and one blog post at a time, just for starters! So proud of you! Carpe Diem!! 🙂 X0! <3
Vida- I believe that time to reflect and think is such a valuable gift and a step that we often forget to take. I’m SO VERY PROUD of you too! CARPE DIEM
Love it Jas. we all needed that. Love how you said Forgiving Freeing and Releasing ourselves and others of past wrong doings. It is a vital point to move on. Holding on to all that also holds us back.
Thanks Jas. I always like your Blogs!
Thanks so much Shelly! CARPE DIEM
I forget Jas… . My IG handle is MADAMSHELLY
Hi Jas! I think people for lent or for the next 40 days instead of giving up sweets or meat or something physical should give up all the negative emotions and substitute them for positive powerful emotions such forgiveness, love, compassion, joy, peace, etc. Joining you forgiving, freeing and releasing will be a good practice!
All the best to you!
Be blessed,