People often ask me what I mean when I say Carpe Diem. I contend that seizing the day is not always about being an adventurist, having some exuberant experience or receiving good news. I believe that seizing the day is mindset. It’s the conscious decision to live a life that is filled with making the most with what we’ve been blessed with. It’s the conscious decision to live in the present instead of  “when I.”  It’s a conscious decision to have meaningful relationships and it’s conscious decision to authentically live your life.

Carpe Diem Challenge

I’ve decided to start a Carpe Diem Challenge.  During the Carpe Diem Challenge I will share what my Carpe Diem moment or moments were for the day. I hope the Carpe Diem Challenge will encourage you to think about how you Carpe Diem. I want to encourage you to share your Carpe Diem moment or moments here or on my newly launched  Carpe Diem with Jasmine Facebook page.

Are you ready to start seizing the day?
